Holiday Travel


If you'll be one of the millions traveling this holiday season, below are some tips, to help you survive the madness!

Be sure to have the latest travel apps. There are many mobile apps out there that can help you get real time updates on flights delays and cancellations, baggage numbers, gate reassignments and security check wait times. For those traveling by auto, there are mobile apps that tell you where the cheapest gas is as well as where the nearest bathrooms are. Of course, the Global Travel Plus Mobile App is your lifeline should you encounter a medical emergency while traveling.

Don't check luggage. Pack light so you don't need to check any bags at the airport, then you won't have to waste time waiting for your suitcase on the conveyor belt or risk losing your luggage all together! Pack the essentials in your carry on and ship gifts directly to where you're celebrating the holidays (just give the recipient a heads up not to open until you arrive)!

Eat. When you're hungry, your focus shifts to food and you could get off on the wrong exit or hop on line at the wrong gate. Bring snacks and be sure not to forget to eat. If you're hungry, take a moment to stop and grab some grub!

Travel early. Statistics show that planes leaving earlier tend to arrive on time more often. Also, if your flight is cancelled for some reason, you'll have the opportunity to reschedule for a flight later in the day. Security lines are also much shorter in the early morning. Those traveling by car, there's much less traffic on the road - you drive while everyone else is sleeping and take a nap when you arrive at your destination!
Posted: 12/16/2016 1:37:28 PM