
How We Help You

Here’s a summary of some of the services you’ll be packing along with your luggage when you depend on assistance from Global Travel Plus.


To help our members travel smart, we offer comprehensive trip information on the Global Travel Plus website. You'll be able to review country profiles, visa requirements, security advisories, and more by logging in to My Global Travel Plus. 


When you’re experiencing a medical emergency while traveling, you may be in unfamiliar territory. Global Travel Plus doesn’t have any unfamiliar territories. When a call for help comes in, our multilingual, experienced team of assistance coordinators will evaluate and troubleshoot any emergency situation. Global Travel Plus travelers are assured of being directed to the most dependable healthcare and problem-solving resources by our experienced team.


Global Travel Plus remains a connected, caring and partner through the duration of every medical case. We’re there for you, maintaining regular communication with you and your medical team. We closely monitor the quality and course of your treatment and stay in touch with your family, relaying important information as needed and providing support during a confusing and unsettling time.


Your lost luggage is a nuisance and can cause you to rearrange itineraries and restrict your travel plans. Global Travel Plus works with airlines to recover and deliver lost bags.


Illness or injury while away from home can be highly stressful and often intimidating. You’re in unfamiliar surroundings, with doctors you don’t know and, if you’re traveling alone your loved ones aren’t by your side providing the support you need.  At the same time, loved ones back home are often worried. Global Travel Plus understands how important it can be for a member to have a family member or friend present while hospitalized. A key part of our services is to arrange and pay the transportation costs for a loved one to join you if you’re expected to be hospitalized for more than seven days.

Emergency Medical Evacuation

It’s safe to say that you will know where you’re traveling, but you may not be familiar with the medical care available there. The quality of healthcare varies tremendously throughout the world -- and even in the U.S. If you become ill or experience an injury in an area where appropriate care is unavailable, Global Travel Plus steps in, using the required facilities and resources to transport you to the closest facility that is capable of providing the care you need. Global Travel Plus pays for the full cost of any evacuation, including medical treatment while in transport.


Global Travel Plus provides a letter of coverage outlining the evacuation, repatriation and return of mortal remains coverage exceeding the minimum requirements to obtain a visa. Global Travel Plus’s involvement also expedites visa approvals.


Healthcare in other countries is complicated. Unlike the U.S., the majority maintain a non-obligatory response towards healthcare. That means that medical treatment - even in the event of an emergency - is provided based on a patient’s ability to pay for it. Keep in mind that most domestic health insurance cards may have limited significance or acceptance in a foreign country. As an international traveler experiencing a medical emergency, Global Travel Plus will facilitate your admittance to a foreign hospital.


If you forget to pack your toothbrush for a trip, your solution is as easy as buying a new one. If you forget to pack your prescription medication, or it’s been misplaced, the solution won’t be quite so simple. Global Travel Plus works with your prescribing physician and a pharmacy in your travel vicinity to replace your important medications. If necessary, we will arrange for you to see a local doctor to obtain a new prescription.


What if you’re traveling with your children when experiencing a medical emergency?  Global Travel Plus is there to help if you become sick or injured while traveling with your minor children.  We’ll make sure they aren’t left unattended during your emergency.  We’ll arrange for them to return home to a family member or we’ll arrange for local childcare. If your emergency requires an extended absence away from your children, we’ll make sure to find a solution that works for your situation -- either transporting your children to another family member, or bringing a family member to your home.


Great news! The doctors have told you that you can return home!  Unfortunately, after a medical emergency that may not be as simple as just boarding a commercial plane.  Sometimes the physical challenges of a journey are fairly demanding after illness or injury.  When deemed medically necessary, Global Travel Plus will provide commercial transportation home or to a rehabilitation facility with a medical or non-medical escort as required.


When you purchase Global Travel Plus, you are covered by global emergency services whenever you travel more than 100 miles from home for 90 days or less.* However, you may extend services for travel beyond the 90-day period through the Expatriate/Extended Coverage program offered with an additional administration fee.

*Subject to applicable inception dates for availability of services.


In the unfortunate event that a traveler passes away while traveling, Global Travel Plus will arrange and pay for the necessary paperwork, body preparations, and the transport of the remains home. Families who have experienced the loss of a loved one while traveling, truly appreciate this service; saying it is a source of true comfort both emotionally and financially in times of great sadness.